Steve and I weren't home to enjoy the white Christmas that Dallas received, but we were still blessed with abundant snow during our visit to family in Wisconsin. There was nearly a foot of snow, draping homes and fences and evergreens more beautifully than I had seen in years. We woke up each morning with a breathtaking view of perfect white, and I couldn't help but feel more at home than ever.
I didn't always associate snow with good things. I grew up with the expectation that a snowy winter simply meant lots of "hard physical labor." One year as a joke, my dad gave us snow shovels as Christmas presents and said, "Take these for a spin!" (He wasn't really joking) I can remember many winters during my childhood and teenage years where it was bitterly co…
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
A New Perspective on Snow
Anna Rose Bain,
new year,
plein air painting,
snow painting,
tree painting,
winter adornments,
winter landscape,
winter oil painting,
winter painting,
winter plein air,
Friday, December 7, 2012
Impressionism and the Seeds of Modern Art - The Musee d'Orsay
While in Paris last month, I got to visit the Musee d'Orsay for the very first time. I was a little bummed that photography was not allowed, but it forced me to really take note of the paintings that stood out to me, and actually helped me enjoy the viewing experience even more. Here is the one picture we got from inside the museum:
I enjoyed this collection very much, as many of the pieces I've become familiar with over the years could be found here, one after another! To name just a few: Whistler's " Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1 " (no, it wasn't destroyed by Mr. Bean!), Van Gogh's " Bedroom ," Manet's controversial "Luncheon on the Grass" and "Olympia" (who I wrote about here ), Coubet's " Origin of the World "…
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Impressionism and the Seeds of Modern Art - The Musee d'Orsay
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Art that Draws You In: A Visit to the Louvre
Having just returned from five days in Paris over Thanksgiving, and feeling fully recovered from the jet lag, I figure it's finally time to post something. I apologize for being absent this month... my travels in November have taken me all over the place - Wisconsin, Florida, and now France! I have much that I could write about, but for today I thought I'd talk about the Louvre.
Ah, the Louvre.
I first visited the Louvre when I was sixteen, during a whirlwind tour of Europe with a group of high school student ambassadors. I wouldn't really consider us "ambassadors" at that age. We were loud and obnoxious, like all teenagers are, except that we were also American, which made it ten times worse. But for me, it was different. While the other kids laughed and made fun of…
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The Art that Draws You In: A Visit to the Louvre
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Afternoon Excursion to the Nature Preserve
Today I thought I'd walk the dog, and get in some plein air painting, all in one shot. The weather here has been absolutely beautiful lately, and even some of the trees are changing color! I went to the nearby nature preserve to see if I could capture some of the beauty.
I painted for about an hour, trying to get the late afternoon light (somewhere between 3:45 and 5 p.m.). I love how the shadows slowly climb down trees and hills, and wanted to capture that in my painting.
Although I slipped in the mud a few times -- and got scraped up pushing through untrimmed thickets to get to my vantage point -- I think it was worth it. Not only did I get some wonderful fresh air and time outside, but my painting turned out all right too... and Bella had a great time dashing through the shallow cr…
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Afternoon Excursion to the Nature Preserve
Anna Rose Bain,
landscape painting,
nature preserve,
plein air,
plein air painting,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Gaga for Green and Outdoor Light

Wow... I would like to try and post on this blog more than once a month, but it seems that's all I have time for! SOOOO much has happened since Weekend with the Masters!
First of all, as happens every time I return from an amazing workshop, my work begins to evolve rapidly. I'm finally starting to loosen up a little bit, have more fun with my brushwork, and incorporate more complimentary colors in skin and hair. And lately I've been a little bit obsessed with green.
For example, in this recent self portrait, I got a little bit "crazy" (for me!) in the hair. If you look closely, there is a weaving back and forth between hard and soft edges along the outside contour of the hair. There is even some wild color going across the form (going the opposite direction that the …
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Gaga for Green and Outdoor Light
Anna Rose Bain,
art model,
art modelling,
figure painting,
life painting,
live model,
new paintings,
outdoor figure,
outdoor nude,
plein air painting,
plein air with figure,
seated nude,
self portrait
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Recap: Weekend with the Masters
I've had to postpone almost all productivity for the last few days since getting back from San Diego, because I am sick with a cold. I haven't been ill in over a year, so it has been somewhat alarming to get up out of a chair and feel dizzy, or pass out on my bed for three hours at a time. I am usually on the go from the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep. This inconvenience has probably been a good thing, though. It has forced me to slow down, and truly digest what I've learned over the last few days.
Anyway, here is my recap from last week, September 5-9. I had the wonderful privilege of attending "Weekend with the Masters" at the Rancho Bernardo Inn near San Diego, CA. This was the first time I had gotten to attend this event, and I was pleasantly surpris…
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Recap: Weekend with the Masters
American Artist,
Anna Rose Bain,
Daniel Gerhartz,
Michael Mentler,
Michelle Dunaway,
Rancho Bernardo Inn,
Robert Liberace,
Rose Frantzen,
Ryan Brown,
San Diego,
Stephen Early,
Weekend with the Masters
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Another Summer in Wisconsin

It's crazy how fast the summer has gone, since Steve and I have been travelling so much. We recently returned from two whole weeks in our home state of Wisconsin, where I didn't do as much painting as I hoped, but had some wonderful visits with family and friends (much needed time away from the easel, actually!). I have come back refreshed; there was, in fact, one whole day on our trip that I got to sit around, lazing in the sun with a good book, doing absolutely nothing productive. For those of you who know me... that is a rare thing, indeed!
Much of our time was spent at Steve's family cabin. We hadn't been there in two years and it was wonderful to breathe the fresh air and relax a little bit. The dog had a great time too, as you can see...
Throwing the stick in the wa…
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Another Summer in Wisconsin
alla prima,
Anna Rose Bain,
canoe painting,
Chippewa Flowage,
landscape painting,
life portrait,
north woods,
plein air,
plein air painting,