Wishing you and yours all the blessings and miracles of the season. Happy holidays from Artwork by Anna Rose!
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Christmas paintings,
ornament paintings,
Friday, December 13, 2013
Mermaids in Arizona

Newly sporting a REAL (and very cute, I might add!) baby bump, and enjoying my second trimester energy, I have been on the go since mid-November. As one of my friends said, "That baby's been more places in utero than some people ever go in their lives!" Steve and I had a weekend trip to New York City, where I got to check out Casey Baugh 's solo show and spend a whole day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Just a few days after returning from NY, we headed out again and spent ten days in Arizona. It was only supposed to be an 8-day trip, but the weekend we were to fly back, Dallas and most of the Midwest got blasted by an ice storm, leaving us stranded in sunny Arizona. :-) Okay, so it wasn't a bad place to be stuck.
Here are some pictures from our first weekend in AZ…
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Mermaids in Arizona
alla prima,
David Shevlino,
figure painting,
Grand Canyon,
mermaid painting,
painting workshop,
Scottsdale Artists School,
temperature inversion,
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
An Epidemic of Artistic THEFT

I recently discovered that I'm being robbed... by a factory in China. Photo: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/booming-chinese-art-forging-business-hurts-us-artists/
It started when I saw this Facebook status by artist Scott Burdick :
This is nothing new; his worked has been ripped off by several different places in China for a couple of years now. This website: http://www.oilpaintings-supplier.com/ is one of many to spring up recently. It is truly disturbing how many living artists are featured on the site. In essence, these companies steal images off the internet by both dead and living artists, to be cranked out and sold by their factory artists as cheap and poorly done hand-painted copies. It is a case of mass artistic property theft, with little that can be done by the artists to stop it…
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An Epidemic of Artistic THEFT
artist theft,
artistic property theft,
Chinese factories,
Chinese painters,
Chinese painting factories,
copyright infringement,
copyright theft,
Scott Burdick