Friday, March 11, 2016

New Painting: "Motherhood"

With the advent of spring, my almost-two-year-old and I have been enjoying warm afternoon walks around the neighborhood. I'm constantly amazed at how observant she is. She calls out every recognizable object - cars and trucks, metal butterflies on the side of a house, sticks and pine cones on the sidewalk, forgotten soccer balls littering someone's front lawn. In her childlike way, she teaches me every day how to see. It reminds me of my purpose as an artist: to help illuminate the beauty of everyday life. Most of my recent works do just that: they follow a very personal theme and reflect this unique stage in my life as an artist and mother. I'm thankful for the joy and tangibility these paintings bring to me and my viewers alike (and hopefully Cece will appreciate them someday, too!). 

Here is my latest self portrait, with my daughter at 22 months old. She is at that classic toddler stage where she wants to hold on tight but pull away at the same time. I am loving this chapter of life... though to be honest, my painting time is more limited than ever. I have to thank Cecelia's grandparents for watching her several weeks ago so that I could make this painting a reality! :-)


"Motherhood" - 30x20" - oil on linen - Collection of the Artist

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