Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Babies and Blooms - "Diary" of a New Mom

After four wonderful weeks with my newest little family member, it's safe to say that things will never be the same. I am breastfeeding full time, which means there is actually very little time for me to spend doing other things. Thankfully, friends and family have provided us with meals and help during this crazy first month with Cecelia, but many other things have fallen to the wayside as I grasp at spare moments throughout the day to sit at my easel. I've worked on my commissions a little more, but there were a couple of times when I sat down, intending to work... and as soon as I looked down at my sleeping daughter, I knew my plans had to change. I had to paint her instead. The following paintings are an artist mother's diary, I suppose. I can't put these in her baby book, but I wanted to capture this fleeting stage of her life as best as I could, before it's gone. 

"Cece at 2 Weeks Old" - 9x7" (5/20/14)- oil on linen panel - Collection of the Artist

"Cece at 3 Weeks Old" - 6x8"  (5/27/14)- oil on linen panel - Collection of the Artist

One benefit to having a baby: the flowers have come flooding in. :-)  Babies and blooms are two things I have little experience painting alla prima, so I have definitely been challenged!

The pale yellow blooms in the painting below were a gift from an artist friend, and proved to be challenging for me. They are a direct reflection of my state of mind as I painted them: chaotic, but trying desperately to find beauty in my current situation (sleep deprivation, lack of time for self, some recent family turmoil). As a result, they have a feeling of "searching" and movement. They honestly reflect my inability to spend a large chunk of focused time on painting them. They remain a little flat, a little unfinished. But they are still celebration roses. They are one more piece of my artistic diary.

"Celebration Roses" - 10x8" - oil on linen panel


  1. Anna, I've followed your blog for a while and am inspired by your work as a fellow artist. As a mother, my heart is warmed to see that you are able to focus on your sweet new Cece and to be present in the gifts God gives each fleeting day. One thing that has helped me, as a mom of young kids and as someone with many dreams and possible lives to live, is to remember that life is long and there are many seasons. You have encouraged me through your work to pursue growing and learning as an artist. I hope you continue to feel free to pursue motherhood and savoring these moments with your little one. Thanks for sharing your life here!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Laura, and for following my blog! I am glad you have been encouraged - I'm also encouraged to hear from a fellow artist and mother. I believe art and motherhood can work together perfectly well, and I hope to be a living testament of that! :-)

  2. Greetings from Barcelona. good collection of portraits. I like your works.
