Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stolen artwork!

Recently, a friend of mine purchased the small still life, "Trio of Pears". Unfortunately, my friend's car was broken into, and, among other things, this painting was stolen! I sat there in shock when she told me. I guess it was the first time in my own life that I've been somehow affected, though indirectly, by theft. What a hurtful thing!
I know this is a far cry, but if you happen to stumble across this blog, and recognize this painting from somewhere, please contact me at 608-853-0582. Kelsey would love to have her painting back!

Art festivals and more

Thanks to everyone who stopped by in Farmersville! It was a beautiful day for an art festival, and Steve and I got to meet lots of great people. There was also a huge amount of interest in my portrait work.

Next scheduled art festival: Arlington Front Street Festival.
Next on my to-do list: more painting!

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Dale," finished

He's finished! Here is the final product.

I'll be going into more depth about the progress of this painting in my next newsletter, as well as adding this to my website. Stay tuned!

Finished (below): "Dale" - 10"x 8" - oil on linen glued to board